Issue with submitting In App Purchase

Submitting In-App Purchase for the first time little confusing. You have to include IAP while submitting the binary. But this option will not appear always. It will appear when you create both In-App Purchase products and include them in the app. Here is the details guide: Implement In-App Purchases in iOS Using SwiftUI. After submitting … Read more

Difference Between SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI are modern, declarative UI frameworks for building native mobile applications on Android and iOS, respectively. Both aim to simplify UI development by leveraging a declarative programming model, eliminating the complexities of imperative UI frameworks like Android Views or UIKit. They share similar design philosophies but have platform-specific differences. Jetpack Compose vs … Read more

Auto Imports in Android Studio

Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA provides ways to automatically manage imports, including adding missing ones. Here are some ways to enable auto-import and make managing imports easier in Android Studio: 1. Enable Auto-Import Settings in Android Studio 2. Use Quick Fix to Add Imports 3. Organize Imports on File Save 4. Manually Optimize Imports

SwiftUI View Modifiers

View modifiers allow you to customize the appearance and behavior of views. Here’s a list of common view modifiers with examples: frame(width:height:alignment:) Sets the width, height, and alignment of a view. padding(_:) Adds space around a view. You can specify individual edges (e.g., .leading). Or with specific edges: background(_:) Sets a background view or color … Read more

LazyHGrid in SwiftUI

LazyHGrid in SwiftUI is similar to LazyVGrid, but instead of arranging its child views in a vertical grid, it arranges them in a horizontal grid. This layout is perfect when you want a horizontally scrollable list of items, organized in multiple rows. Like LazyVGrid, LazyHGrid loads views only when they are about to appear on … Read more

LazyVGrid in SwiftUI

LazyVGrid in SwiftUI is a layout view that arranges its child views in a vertical grid, loading items on-demand for improved performance. This layout is especially useful when displaying a large amount of data, as it loads each cell only as it’s about to appear on-screen, saving memory and enhancing scrolling performance. Key Properties Basic … Read more

ForEach in SwiftUI

ForEach is a powerful SwiftUI view that allows you to iterate over a collection of data and generate views for each element. It’s typically used inside other SwiftUI views like List, VStack, or HStack to create dynamic, repeating elements based on data. Here’s a breakdown of how ForEach works and some example use cases. Basic … Read more

ViewBuilder in SwiftUI

@ViewBuilder in SwiftUI is a powerful attribute that allows you to create custom views with conditional or multiple child views. With @ViewBuilder, you can define functions or properties that return different views or combinations of views based on conditions, without needing to wrap them in AnyView. It’s widely used in SwiftUI and can be applied … Read more

AnyView in SwiftUI

AnyView is a type-erased wrapper used to store views of different types in a single variable, property, or array. Since SwiftUI uses specific view types (e.g., Text, Image, Button), it can sometimes be difficult to work with views dynamically, especially if you need to return different view types conditionally. AnyView provides a way around this … Read more